Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wake Forest University

KEY WORD on Federal Depository Library Website is " ACCESS" in upper left hand corner=http://catalog.gpo.gov/fdlpdir/FDLPdir.jsp?flag=searchp&st_12=NC

Was looking for the email address to deliver the following message to one of local library officials concerning the fact that today's date is MAY=emphasis on MAY 3, 2011(authority figure with BLUE SIRENS FLASHING to the RIGHT of street corner=If you turn right as an African American=what you can expect to encounter; and the fact that the branch manager's at one of the local libraries cut the lights out;put an out of order sign on the bathroom door and then after I had gone to the place next door to use the rest room; took the out of order sign off the door and used the rest room. I asked what had been wrong with the restroom=she mummbled something-said keys were in the toilet. Also there was an hispanic sitting outside the restroom; also the branch manager had been sitting INBETWEEN (2) TWO WHITE MALES=??? at a circular computer table earlier:

The message to library official was to read as following:
Went to use restroom/hispanic in front of door with an OUT OF ORDER sign on ladies restroom. Went to FORSYTH TECH RESTROOM-came back to library and the rest room was open; library branch manager came in and took the out of order sign off of the door. My request is that I, would appreciate being allowed to use services without harassment; meant I had to go and collect all my belongings to go next door to the rest room.

Thank you, library patron."
But as I was looking for her email address located the following information about
"Find a Federal Depository Library near you!" which I had heard that Wake Forest who gave me a warning ticket about being a Wake Forrest Law library; was a Federal despository library. and sure enough it is true and I was at the library doing research on Federal Laws relating to employment.now in federal court about the same case.


Depository Library Number: 0444
Congressional District: 12
Depository Type: Selective depository library
Library Type: Academic, Law Library (AL)
Library Size: Medium (250,000 - 1,000,000 volumes in the library)
Parent Institution of Library: Wake Forest University
Library Name: Professional Center Library
Street Address: 1834 Wake Road
City: Winston-Salem
State: North Carolina
Zip Code: 27109-7206
Type of Designation: Law school
Year of Designation as a Depository Library: 1990
Title of Library Director: Mr.
Library Director Last Name: Keely
Library Director First Name: Alan
Depository Coordinator Title: Ms.
Depository Coordinator Last Name: Irwin-Smiler
Depository Coordinator First Name: Kate
Depository Coordinator Phone Number Area Code: 336
Depository Coordinator Phone Number: 758-4009
Public Service Area Phone Number Area Code: 336
Public Service Area Phone Number: 758-4520
Fax Number Area Code: 336
Fax Number: 758-6077
Depository Website: http://pcl.wfu.edu/PCL-Resources/Documents/index.html
Catalog Website: http://catalog.pcl.wfu.edu/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&PAGE=First
Senatorial Class:
Public Notes:
Profile ID: 838

Depository Library Number: 0445
Congressional District: 12
Depository Type: Selective depository library
Library Type: Academic General (AG)
Library Size: Large (more than 1,000,000 volumes in the library)
Parent Institution of Library: Wake Forest University
Library Name: Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Street Address: Wake Forest Road
City: Winston-Salem
State: North Carolina
Zip Code: 27109-7777
Type of Designation: Representative
Year of Designation as a Depository Library: 1902
Title of Library Director: Dr.
Library Director Last Name: Sutton
Library Director First Name: Lynn
Depository Coordinator Title: Ms.
Depository Coordinator Last Name: Tedford
Depository Coordinator First Name: Rosalind
Depository Coordinator Phone Number Area Code: 336
Depository Coordinator Phone Number: 758-5910
Public Service Area Phone Number Area Code: 336
Public Service Area Phone Number: 758-5475
Fax Number Area Code: 336
Fax Number: 758-5605:
Depository Website: http://zsr.wfu.edu/collections/govdoc/
Catalog Website:
Senatorial Class:
Public Notes:
Profile ID: 839


Depository Library Number: 0446
Congressional District: 12
Depository Type: Selective depository library
Library Type: Public Library (PU)
Library Size: Medium (250,000 - 1,000,000 volumes in the library)
Parent Institution of Library: Forsyth County Public Library
Library Name: Central Library
Street Address: 660 West 5th Street
City: Winston-Salem
State: North Carolina
Zip Code: 27101-2755
Type of Designation: Representative
Year of Designation as a Depository Library: 1954
Title of Library Director: Ms.
Library Director Last Name: Sprinkle-Hamlin
Library Director First Name: Sylvia
Depository Coordinator Title: Ms.
Depository Coordinator Last Name: Luntz
Depository Coordinator First Name: Raegen
Depository Coordinator Phone Number Area Code: 336
Depository Coordinator Phone Number: 703-3062:
Public Service Area Phone Number Area Code: 336
Public Service Area Phone Number: 703-2665:
Fax Number Area Code: 336
Fax Number: 727-2549::
Depository Website: http:www.forsyth.cc/library/periodicals.aspx
Catalog Website:
Senatorial Class:
Public Notes:
Profile ID: 841

I was at Wake Forrest Law Library doing research on Federal employment law and was sent a letter by Wake Forrest University - that reads as follows:


As a result of the official tresspass warning issued to you gby the University- personnel on month, day, year, you cannot return to Wake Forest University property. If you fail to heed this warning you will be subject to arrest. You have 30 days after the date of this letter to submit a written appeal request.


The rest of the letter is as follows:

If you whish to appeal your trespass, complete the enclosed statement form and return to:


Your appeal must describe in detail the circumstances that resulted in your being issued a trespass warning and explain whyi you feel it should be rescinded. When the University - Dept. recieves the completed form, the appeal will be reviewed by a committee of University Officials no later than 90 days after the receipt of this letter. You will be notified in wiring by mail bo the committee's decision.

You should be aware that in this State, by criminial[CRIMINAL]
statue, it is a violation of the criminal in North Carolina to trespass upon private property after notification not to enter (NCGS 14-159.13). Wake Forest Universityis a p rivate university and its campus and propertyis a private property under the definition of the law. You are not to enter upon any land, premises, property , or camput of Wake Forest U niversity or satellite properities thereof UNLESS:
1. You become enrolled as a student of the university;or
2. You attend any paid event at the university; or
3. You appeal your trespass and it is rescinded; or
4. You receive written permission from this office or
the;unviersity administration. Otherwise, if you return you are
subject to criminal arrest.

Should you have any questions or need any additional information call 000-000-0000 and request to speak to the supervisor on duty/officer who issued this notice.


Official Title

-[I sent the appeal in in the middle of last year; still haven't received word and sent an inquiry letter over a couple a months ago=?]=[STILL WAITING!!!!!!
The website of the Federal Depository Library Directory states that:

"Since 1813, depository libraries have safeguarded the public's right to know by collecting, organizing, maintaining, preserving, and assisting users with information from the Federal Government. Depository libraries provide local, no-fee access to Government information in an impartial environment with professional assistance."

The Libraian and the first security guard at Wake Forest University law library told me that I could stay at the library but that the librian could not help me and I told the librian that I was looking for laws relating to Federal employment.

and that:

"Established by Congress to ensure that the American public has access to its Government's information, the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) involves the acquisition, format conversion, and distribution of depository materials to libraries throughout the United States and the coordination of Federal depository libraries in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.

The mission of the FDLP is to disseminate information products from all three branches of the Government to about 1,250 libraries nationwide at no cost."

=SUMMATION=BEN LAU-EN= being captured is code for all African Americans not cooperating with [CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION/ethnic intimidation and forced assimilation].

ACCESS to knowledge is and it is in writing what was denied by giving me a warning ticket because I wasn't a student. By law Federal Depository Libraries are suppose to let the public use thier library to access Federal Law.


THINK TANK=!!!!!!!!!!!! African American=????????????????????=JOBS=0000000000000000000000000


Is there an African American Think Tank the calibar of the "BROOKINGS INSTITUTE"? Thought about that question as I was pondering what to do next concerning the fact that NOBODY [you know like all the authority figures that you "dumb a--s" pay to act like they are doing a job] will address the issue of the treats of confinement if I use education to obtain employment or income.

Called a local library and they gave me some organizations that come up when African American think tanks were googled=but in actuality there are none. Found one; called them and a Caucasian female answered the phone and was scared to answer any questions; could it be because she knows someone might find/figure out that they are really robbing from African Americans!!!! Sort of like I heard on the local radio station [wsjs or wfdd] in which the announcer said that there are three university=Duke Univeristy/Chapel Hill/UNCG(?) who were going to work with Greystoneor Graystone to develop jobs for African Americans=!!! My first question was are they going to put them in confinement also for creating jobs for African Americans.

If I had a candy apple/popcorn business to help my mama when a child while my daddy was in jail; then surely I should be able to come up with something to produce an income legally either at home or through a local flea market or something; BUT when threats of confinement are communicated if a person creates their own job[500 sheets of paper-created into a newsletter at $1.00 a page=$500.00 a week/$2,000.00 a month]. African American can't do that; but Caucasian people can do that they can get together to created jobs for African Americans; BUT African Americans can't create a job for themselves or for another race of people.

Ran across an article in a magazine called "ALL YOU" in which it has an article entitled " " with the picture of an African American on it=joke=UNLESS the African American female is forced/intimidated[cultural Transformation-ethnic intimidation] working for white males; think the law calls in involunatary servitude. Which is why they[=?-connected to group at ---'s -l--]have hung a pair of tennis shoes over the electrical wires in local neighborhood to intimidate into yeilding to working for the bast--ds=no thank you!!!!!

In the meantime have called Duke Energy/city of Winston-Salem who said Duke Energy is suppose to take care of the issue; Duke engergy said call the people [connected to group at ---'s -l--]; which leaves person in the same boat; called Duke energy one day; called backed two to three days later; ticket had been closed; asked to speak to supervisor=hispanic=ooh what a surprise=said="Mam, we will have someone there in three hours; they never showed and the next day when I called back=the same=they said that the people keep putting the tennis shoes back on the electrical wires= NOT the case=Duke Energy and the city of Winston-Salem are not doing anything about the tennis shoes because they are accessories to the fact=part of their system to control the citizens of the communitiy as well as a legal way to do what was done to Ben L--d-n. Kill them; and act innocent; like they murdered my brother= why they never found out who killed him=LIE.

After talking with one of the Caucasian males at one of the illusion African American think tanks=who had a very nice nasty- why the he-- are you calling here attitudes; it made me wonder about what else African Americans don't have or aren't allowed to have as African Americansliving in their natural heritage or/and what don't or aren't they allowed to have living in the [CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION SYSTEM] Caucasian heritage.

First, of all if an AFRICAN AMERICAN has to be given permission by Caucasian males for EVERYTHING=that is the equivalent of SLAVERY; which is a violation of the United States Constitution/13th Amendment; thus all forms of intimidation/transformation/assimilation will be considered as being in violation of the United States Constitution and therefore the equivalent of violating the laws and based upon the United States Constitution when those in office do not uphold the United States Constitution, the United States Constitution states that it is the RESPONSIBILITY OF the People to enforce the United States Constitution.

Secondly, my father made the statement that they[[=?-connected to group at ---'s -l--]WOULD NOT ALLOW him to live his life; and like most of you; you think-"This is the United States of America; that can't be." and just like me- you would be WRONG!!!!. The bast--ds have spent my entire life-blocking me from prosperity and wealth and prosperity so that they could force me into a financial situation where no income-[gets deep=why all the bail outs/spending/etc.-system designed to ensure that whoever has the knowledge, etc.to overcome their system is knocked down to food stamps to have to depend on them [=?-connected to group at ---'s -l--] and their system of control to eat[usually the family members have been preprogrammed to mistreat the person and most people would rather do the food stamps than deal with the nasty attitude coming from family members=part of what is happening with the family in the United States-intentional divide and conquer system at work.

Sad to say-their system of operation of forced involuntary servitude is in operation; which means that UNLESS the REAL GOD steps in versus them [=?-connected to group at ---'s -l--]; may have tio know a part of me{ and I decided that I would rather kill in self defense than participate in illegal behavior;etc. My daddy use to say and he was very proud of the fact that "I AIN'T NEVER KILLED NOBODY". Thought that was a strange thing to say; couldn't hear him because I was to busy living in the United States of America the land of the free= it is for those who are part of the "CLUB"; everybody else is living in INDIA/CHINA/or some third world country; all of which is a violation of the United States Constitution; but who is going to get the issue(s) addressed; everybody up high[I haven't found one to do right yet] appears to be focused on keeping their job[participating in illegal/ilmoral behavior-like the people who helped Hitler kill the jews-someone interviewed them after the fact-all of them said it was my job=which why they have blocked me from having a job; because I always did the moral job I was hired to; not the illegal/ilmoral job they wanted me to do in SECRET.

[which I said I did not want to do[follow orders] at 12 years of age!!!11


1. African American THINK TANK!!!!!!!
2. Radio Programs-Talk; NEWS, Christian[programs are controlled by Caucasians]
3. BANKS [more than one].
