Saturday, October 27, 2012

Clark Howard Show

10/27/12 Was listening to the Clark Howard Show and listening to the advice that he gives to people=wonder what he would tell someone where just about every law written by man to man has been broken in my life by the ones who are suppose to uphold the law=?where it has been communicated and demonstated that if I obtain legal/moral work that would be put in confinement;have tried to locate how to send/but now can't locate=please send/email to clark howard; thank You.= email.

Monday, May 21, 2012

WSTA Connection?

"The Carolina Peacemaker"

Figured it out; reason why African Americans who are Christians who are seeking the real God are not allowed to have fulltime jobs/benefits is because of the corruption in the work place; in order to have a full time job with benefits the person has to participate in some form of corruption [ethnic intimidation],etc..

After going to CRCC on 5/20/12 asked to pray for black folk; which did; today at the C-rver Sch-ol Road branch library upon walking to the library; authority vehicle [2nd incident]-#----white with red and white stripes [male of the larger society] going west as I walked east=? said to myself; thought that was over with;
meaning that after person has encounter the harassing spirit; it is easy to identify; knew something was going on at the CSR branch library [had the steps blocked off][white males in white truck] had the steps blocked off; so walked around the building and into the library and guess what?;  sure enough there was a NEW African American female [looking all out of place][like I got it going on [working] and everybody else can't figure out what I did to get a job; cause I am special like that][WRONG] her pastor is a pastor that went to recently and asked if their church could help with my light bill[lights are off]; result  of the pastor [African American male]; whose church hosted authority males of the larger society last summer; [form of partnership in other words][helping with ethnic intimidation]made deal with males of the larger society=will sell out person seeking help in exchange for JOB for one of my church members [the African American church member[s] last name BISHOP;

In other words in exchange for giving ungrateful, nasty attitude African Americans jobs then I get to be a filthy lying  bishop=NO thank you. I am not a bishop and will not be participating.

Spoke to a Caucasian pastor; been trying for almost three months to get Crisis Control to help me with water foods and lights; this morning the result as "YOU NEED TO GO AND GET YOUR HELP BY GETTING FOOD STAMPS and get on some type of AGENCY associated income; In other words the right of passage to a job/income/work is the person HAVE TO get on foodstamps or social agency or the person has to deal with authority vehicles [all colors, black, whites, and those in between] constantly appearing as intimidation to GIVE MINDSET to prepare the person for confinement; not so much for working as much as for breaking the unwritten code [ANY African American destine for wealth and riches
have to give up their wealth and let males of the larger society redistribute to black a-s ungrateful people [who take great pride in dogging the person whose wealth it really is]. Point about the food stamps is certain people 95% are put in category to work peices of a job[part-time, no benefits]; in other words a list is established that persons name is put on so that they do not get a full time job because if the person gets a full time job; the system [food stamps,etc.] will not be able to make money off of them. Same type system with African American relationships- If system controls the relationships they tell the female what to tell the male-which is usually remain on the system[foodstamps][ that way male, female relationship is NOT attacked].

For the last time not a dam bishop; never will be. If males of the larger society punish African Americans because I want my wealth and riches; then so be it; better they are running around seeking something to eat because of hunger than me.

Confirmation went to CSR church with Sherry [moved to city from out of mountains approx. 25 years ago][substitute for Shirley[cousin]who discovered through local family reunion]; At CSR church; Sherry [who family member is in some type of authority position-has back up] announces that she needs a job;  how many churches have I been in and stated the same and have NEVER been told that I will get a job any day now;  And WHEN God does it;  please come back to church and tell whole congregation; The WHEN is based on fact of secret coded system in African American community; Sherry is NOT from Winston-Salem, she moved into the city; all the people who have good jobs are usually people who MOVED into the city or went away and came back.  Point is that after Sherry went to church with me; back to the same ; road the bus from  he $2.50 movies same sh-t on the WSTA bus; tried to transfer off of Route 1 to route 17 night route; because it was TWO African American females that were transferring and a African American male was driving the bus; [told Sherry they were going to start something and sure enough they did]; and the same supervisor [looked more like a rambo person than a supervisor]that have blogged about who said; "We[WSTA] got rid of all those people who were harassing you;[and he was the main one]]stated that he had been a supervisor and working in a supervisor position for over twenty years[meaning he KNOWS EXACTLY how the program goes; which makes me wonder; how many people has he helped to kidnap or worse off of the city buses?

The transfer was suppose to take place at 311 [3k's] [Route 1] and Carver School Road  where person has to walk about 1/2 block to  Teresa and C-rver Sch-ol Road; have documented at least a year of harassment from WSTA drivers when trying to transfer off of Route 1 to route 17 evening route.[Things are a little more different NOW; meaning that there are MORE authority situations [Coast to Coast had show on authority abuses of everyday citizens][April, 2012].  The supervisor of WSTA waited until the route 1 got the end of the route 1 [in area where guy who wanted to date me would have gotten on or off the bus] in the pitch black dark and came on the bus and said come on and get on the supervisors bus and I'll drive you to where  you are going; said "No Thank You, will just ride all the way back down town and then WSTA will  have enough time to tell the bus driver of route 17 to wait for passengers the tranfser of  route 1; that will be at least a two  hours notice." The supervisor did not appear to happy about my deciding to stay on the bus means No thank you to supervising the relationship between myself and guy who wanted to date me.

Verification of the CONNECTION between church/job=
which is link to The Carolina Peacemaker newspaper May 23, 2102 edition where there is a picture of  some of the examples for future graduates of A&T University to follow.  The caption under the pictures reads North Carolina  Chancellor Harold MARTIN[like Trayvon MARTIN](left) with First Lady Obama along with  UNC System Board of Governors Raiford TraskIII, and Dean of the School of BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, Dr. Quieter Craig. AND right under that picture is a picture of the graduates TWO FAT African American females in their cap and gowns [royal blue]; the caption under the picture of the TWO FAT African American females is "Graduating members of the NC A&T GOSPEL Choir celebrate their ACADEMIC accomplishments=meaning code=African American females in the CHURCH can start to get To have ECONOMIC prosperity.  Interesting that head female at/in area where relative that lived in Greensboro would make association and interesing that MARTIN/economics/business/ all on same stage=? almost as to verify BISHOP being NEW HIRE at local Carver School Road library=code= exchange all the hel- they created by the robbery and blocking of my access to economic prosperity for  your being a bishop and our giving your money to your blacks-and you giving up your life and  for them [young blacks]May the Lord have mercy.  Donald Trump; Bill Gates, etc.  did not give up not one d-m dime in exchange for who they are;  Can we please get  on with it; I WANT THE MONEY AND THE LIFE that the SUPREME GOD  gave to ME [and that is without anything bad happening][The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22]
Most African Americans have no concept of what it feels like to be made rich with no sorrow.

And any riches that I do receive have already had sorrow attached to them [one brother murdered; one brother killed -found in the  V. A. hospital dead[nobody saw anything=?]; four to five male cousins [African American males] given the wrong medicine and ended up dying because of being given the wrong medicine of males of the larger society  working as emergency staff dropping on them on the head. 99.99 % of all emergency personnel in ambulance, dept. etc. are males of the larger society; they do what they want to to African Americans; some males of the larger society even buy old ambulances; fix them up; get them a CB radio and answer calls; the relatives and people do not have any d-m body to go to to tell that their relative is missing.

So all of you who read this; please  pray God's mercy on the innocent; and especially that males of the larger society will stop robbing and punishing African American people who seek and want their prosperity.

And again plight of family [connections] in Tyler Perry movie GOOD DEEDS!,+NC&dq=good+deeds&sort=1&mid=1362191953c9b7b6&sa=X&ei=NKS6T9atApSs8ASe7f2cCg&ved=0CBgQwAMoBw

The WSTA connection=local MARTIN=[Trayvon MARTIN]=social,economic and business representation of person on stage that is part of a WHOLE system in which orders are passed down the ranks to such people as the drivers/supervisors of the WSTA Transit. [In case something happens negative=Big CLUE].

Also NEW=google [socialpeacest] and they do not have block on the number of articles=???=Why=? are they trying to make a connection and if so with who=?????