One of the things have found out that in Winston-Salem to get a "JOB" either have to have the right name or have to be willing to give up personal identity to assume the identity of the people who you work for and be willing to follow the instructions[no matter how dishonest] of the person who supervises them; which leaves the person who does not or will not do either of the above always scrambling for a steady income/money or is blocked from access to money;
Thus am about to find out if bastards have included online fundraising which is a source of money/income; for the last couple of days have tried to sign up for online fundraising and each time after completing the form;and it says continue; each time there is no continue; the computer freezes; gives no messages; if right bastards have put a block on any and all types of access to fundraisers through PUBLIC computers-which would basically in the Winston Salem,NC area would be AfricanAmericans seeking to raise funds on line because white people ususally have no problem getting a job;
At. have filled out the form in the following manner
Set Your Goal
This is the amount you hope to raise. Start with a moderate goal to create momentum. You can always increase it later.
Your fundraiser will still be viewable after it closes
Identify Your Fundraiser
Choose a title that is short, catchy and unique.
Who should be listed as the organizer of this fundraiser?
Please confirm your location
Do you have a U.S. bank account? Your answer helps us match you with the best payment processor for your needs.
Tell Your Story
Nothing is quite as impactful as a video
If you don't have a video yet, you can upload a photo instead. You'll want to use a photo that tells your story, is good quality (but under 1MB), and is ideally 560px x 420px.
If you don't have either, don't worry - you can leave it blank for now and then upload one later.
Right now we only accept YouTube video links for your fundraiser. A video helps you communicate with your supporters and can drastically improve your success rate. It can be just as simple as recording yourself with a camera phone. Once you’ve uploaded your video to YouTube, put the link to your video above.
In just a couple of sentences (200 chars or less), tell us about your fundraiser and your potential supporters. This text is used on search engines like Google and when you share your fundraiser on Facebook.
Tell your story. Cover the what, who and why. Keep it short and to the point. You can add simple styling to your post to make it more interesting.
This is the main text for your fundraiser page
Private fundraisers are only viewable via direct sharing of your unique url.
Here's an example of what your fundraiser
Set Your Goal

Your fundraiser will still be viewable after it closes
Identify Your Fundraiser
Please confirm your location
Do you have a U.S. bank account? Your answer helps us match you with the best payment processor for your needs.Tell Your Story
Nothing is quite as impactful as a video
If you don't have a video yet, you can upload a photo instead. You'll want to use a photo that tells your story, is good quality (but under 1MB), and is ideally 560px x 420px.
If you don't have either, don't worry - you can leave it blank for now and then upload one later.
If you don't have either, don't worry - you can leave it blank for now and then upload one later.
In just a couple of sentences (200 chars or less), tell us about your fundraiser and your potential supporters. This text is used on search engines like Google and when you share your fundraiser on Facebook.
This is the main text for your fundraiser page
Private fundraisers are only viewable via direct sharing of your unique url.
Here's an example of what your fundraiser
Set Your Goal

Your fundraiser will still be viewable after it closes
Identify Your Fundraiser
Please confirm your location
Do you have a U.S. bank account? Your answer helps us match you with the best payment processor for your needs.Tell Your Story
Nothing is quite as impactful as a video
If you don't have a video yet, you can upload a photo instead. You'll want to use a photo that tells your story, is good quality (but under 1MB), and is ideally 560px x 420px.
If you don't have either, don't worry - you can leave it blank for now and then upload one later.
If you don't have either, don't worry - you can leave it blank for now and then upload one later.
In just a couple of sentences (200 chars or less), tell us about your fundraiser and your potential supporters. This text is used on search engines like Google and when you share your fundraiser on Facebook.
This is the main text for your fundraiser page
Private fundraisers are only viewable via direct sharing of your unique url.
Here's an example of what your fundraiser
Set Your Goal

Your fundraiser will still be viewable after it closes
Identify Your Fundraiser
Please confirm your location
Do you have a U.S. bank account? Your answer helps us match you with the best payment processor for your needs.Tell Your Story
Nothing is quite as impactful as a video
If you don't have a video yet, you can upload a photo instead. You'll want to use a photo that tells your story, is good quality (but under 1MB), and is ideally 560px x 420px.
If you don't have either, don't worry - you can leave it blank for now and then upload one later.
If you don't have either, don't worry - you can leave it blank for now and then upload one later.
In just a couple of sentences (200 chars or less), tell us about your fundraiser and your potential supporters. This text is used on search engines like Google and when you share your fundraiser on Facebook.
This is the main text for your fundraiser page
Private fundraisers are only viewable via direct sharing of your unique url.
Here's an example of what your fundraiser
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