Yesterday was 911 and worked on v. switzer farm- where he had two workers-one by name of FRANK[like Benjamin Franklin on the $100.00 bills] and one who the $100.00 dollar bills are to go to; with v. switzer being paid by white male[s][gov] to hinder and block the one who the $100.00 bills are suppose to go to;
a. Posted on blog that "Dee Dee"[white female] works for the gov. came out to switzers farm one day about three to four weeks ago;license # A321629, either the same day or when one of his relatives showed[license # DCK4392]=dck=code for dick=allow driver-black female prostitute in secret to be allowed to access a "dick";in which either switzer or someone was spoofing[using someone phone to call another without permission]his phone to send text:
1. Can't talk now. call me later?;
2.Dee r raRer f f2f :-) ;m
[note: a Dee Dee moved on street; and after they spoke to me; about an hour later somebody parked in front of their house and shot a weapon about five to six times-the authorities[all white showed up];
b. Article, "City looking at options after liberty street market closed" by Todd Luck;WS Chronicle front page[where Vern Switzer asked me to work for a day and the city of winston-salem had to come and turn the water on[v. switzer had been given a truck load of water from a food bank that closed about three weeks prior] and after that V. Switzer did not need me to work at the liberty street market anymore; even after I asked him if I could set up a stand and he said no-because he is working with the city of winston-salem to block African American[s] from making money/acessing, acquiring MONEY;
City looking at options after Liberty Street Market closes
Posted On 10 Sep 2015;By : Todd Luck;[];
Police Chief Barry Rountree reflects on 9/11
Posted On 10 Sep 2015;By : WS Chronicle;[];
Pastor Angeline Sumpter[female prostitute in secret working for white males], overseer and CEO of the LOVE Community Development Corporation=code for secret prostitituion for white male[s]=if you are an African American female and want a "dick" serve white male[s] or if you are an African American male and want 'love" serve white male[s] as secret prostitute[s];
[note have blogged about how United Way and local businesses are partners to destroy what belong to AFrican American[s]-Carver School Road is an African American neighborhood-that the white bastards trying to give to hispanics[new female hispanic prostitute[already introduced her nastiness]volunteer at the CRB library]; as lady in charge of the "housing association[east winston] stated, "True blacks[which she is not, which is why the UNITED WAY feels comfortable attacking the Carver School Road areas economically, because Marva Reid [google-picture of Marva Reid North East Winston ]:
Marva Reid
Article ws chronicle "united way is targeting carver shool road area with millions in grants"
United Way is targeting Carver School Road area with millions in grants
[Notice the ROYAL BLUE CITY=royal blue will be the code color];
"United Way of Forsyth County and Neighbors for Better Neighborhood (NBN) are working with local residents in a 13-neighborhood area to improve their community as part of the multimillion dollar Place Matters Initiative.
United Way selected neighborhoods in and around the Carver School Road area near the Smith Reynolds Airport where it will be giving grants to groups to fund projects in the area. The neighborhoods are Northwoods Estate, Monticello Park, Ebony Hills, Prospect Park, Wildwood Park, Cardinal Acres, Castle Heights, Spaulding Drive, Eastgate Village, Lakeside, Dreamland, Bowen Park and Ladeara Crest.
The Forsyth United Way Director of Community-Based Collaborations Alana James said the agency will be devoting up to 25 percent of resources, which is over a million dollars in 2016 alone, to Place Matters. She said the neighborhoods were chosen not just for their challenges but also because of their promise";
[Note:have blogged about thenumber 13[13th amendment=code for slavery system=also based on local radio commentators statements-"gangs"; which is money being directed to create at least 13 gangs in the city of winston-salem to direct blacks from being developed as competititon to their white counterparts and chief of winston-salem[brown skin] is to be the lead protector of and for the white[s] while targeting blacks[not working as prostitutes in secret for white male[s]]-specifically in the Carver School Road area, which is why he was made the head of some
"United way is targeting carver shool road area with millions in grants" is another way to "control" AFrican American[s] not working in secret for white males and to control how much and the flow of money of the African American[s] not working in secret for white males while at the same time forcing AFrican American[s] that want to make money legally to live in/on gov. plantations; heard a radio anouncer say that the global goal is to put every segment of population throughout the world in/on colonies, with the goal to control the colonies;
Confirmation:"JOIN the secret group[club] and laugh all the way to the bank while robbing the ignorant African American[s]

Joines to run for re-election and take on poverty
Posted On 10 Sep 2015;By : Todd Luck;[];
[code message to secret group of prositutes working for white males in secret like denise hartsfield-to laugh all the way to the bank];
And Gwyndolyn Gwyn and group were celebrating on 9/11[2015]; when got home they had cars parked in front of house-part of system to communicate-they taking over-took pictures;can't get to post]; and PAULA "ROOK"[code for crook] name is on the marquee of the Carver Road Christian church to inform all the local bastards-like Gwyndolyn Gwyn group; that white males in process of killing African American[s] not working to uplift their prostitute "PAULA";
Point is that the bastards in winston-salem in the process of pulling the wool over other white people[s] eyes African American[s] know that the bastards are a bunch of CROOKS;
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