Monday, September 21, 2015

560-13m Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo, Winston-Salem, nc, Wake Forest University,CRB library


1. Anna linens stose on Peters creek/silas creek prkwy closing/ Anna Linens located beside TJ Deli=code of robbery for TJ and ANN[african American couple]-TJ was intimidated into marrying debra Jordan [african american female prostitute for white males in secret]; TJ Deli has store located
also on Robinhood road-which has a picture of the Two world trade buildings[twin towers] in its sotre;-Anna's closing because the real Anna wthat was engaged to TJ is stating that she wants her "MONEY. and white male system[through city of Winston-Salem, NC] is trying to set up system to rob and divide Anna's money=which is why article in WS Journal about WS-PD asking for 8 million of  Anna'a "MONEY

2.Stores throughout the Winston-Salem Area all have "NOW HIRING signs up;  in 99% AfricanAmerican neighborhoods=joke=if the African Americans apply they or their family members will be attacked;

3. Went to se American Acquarium band at the TEXAS  pete festival=two white females came and blocked view-got up and blacked their view during show=98% white people observing-some white people acknowledged they[two white females inappropriate behavior];

4.City of Winston-Salem was voted as a haven for illegal hispanics; the entire weekend encountered nothing but hispanics; anybody can go to the COOK's flea market on patterson avenue and all the clientel and customers and venters were at least 94% hispanics, hardly any whites or African Americans; and compare food store on silas creek/peters creek=95% of clinetal/customers=hispanics;

5. Whereas African Americans threaten if they do honest work-hispanics [illegals] are working-without threat of confinement for doing honest work in most AFricanAmerican neighborhoods, why is that ?;

6. The owners of Cook's flea market are Jack and Kathy hook; there is one big fat white nasty female in the office along with a hispanic female, when inquires of space or posting on thie board was told-nothing available and they don't allow anybody to post on their bulleting board; after I looked at the board ans saw where they have flyers, white female said, OH you can post about a food can drive=both white female and hisapnic girl telling African American[s] nothing available= and how can anybody say-Winston-Salem, NC is not a hiding haven for illegal hispanics;;


Saturday, September 12, 2015

560 13n-Michael Brown, Fergurson,Mo. Winston-salem, nc, Wake Forest University, CRB library


Yesterday was 911 and worked on v. switzer farm- where he had two workers-one by name of FRANK[like Benjamin Franklin on the $100.00 bills] and one who the $100.00 dollar bills are to go to; with v. switzer being paid by white male[s][gov] to hinder and block the one who the $100.00 bills are suppose to go to;


a. Posted on blog that "Dee Dee"[white female] works for the gov. came out to switzers farm one day about three to four weeks ago;license # A321629, either the same day or when one of his relatives showed[license # DCK4392]=dck=code for dick=allow driver-black female prostitute in secret to be allowed to access a "dick";in which either switzer or someone  was spoofing[using someone phone to call another without permission]his phone to send text:
1. Can't talk now. call me later?;
2.Dee r raRer f f2f :-) ;m
[note: a Dee Dee moved on street; and after they spoke to me; about an hour later somebody parked in front of their house and shot a weapon  about five to six times-the authorities[all white  showed up];

b. Article, "City looking at options after liberty  street market closed" by Todd Luck;WS Chronicle front page[where Vern Switzer asked me to work for a day and the city of winston-salem had to come and turn the water on[v. switzer had been given a truck load of water from a food bank that closed about three weeks prior] and after  that V. Switzer did not need me to work at the liberty street market anymore; even after I asked him if I could set up a stand and he said no-because he is working with the city of winston-salem to block African American[s] from making money/acessing, acquiring MONEY;

City looking at options after Liberty Street Market closes

Posted On 10 Sep 2015;By : ;[];
The article to the right=spencer to go to jail for ten to ll years[heard about it on the radio]-but message to black bastards in  winston-salem Carver road area is that the black "bitch" who guy who wears royal blue wants to date is to go to jail for ten to 11years-which is code that black female and male prostitutes in black area who work for white males in secret are treat person like they are in jail=code among themselves[they think]=is an article titled, "Police Chief Barry Rountree reflects on 911";

Police Chief Barry Rountree reflects on 9/11

Posted On 10 Sep 2015;By : ;[];
Pastor Angeline Sumpter[female prostitute in secret working for white males], overseer and CEO of the LOVE Community Development Corporation=code for secret prostitituion for white male[s]=if you are an African American female and want a "dick" serve white male[s] or if you are an African American male and want 'love" serve white male[s] as secret prostitute[s];
The article,Sept. 10, 2015] at the bottom of the page is "UNITED WAY" is "targeting" Carver School Road area with ""MILLIONS" in grants[DOLLARS]; by Todd LUCK=somebody/African American who does not want to be a prostitute needs to reach out and touch Todd LUCK,

[note have blogged about how United Way and local businesses are partners to destroy what belong to AFrican American[s]-Carver School Road is an African American neighborhood-that the white bastards trying to give to hispanics[new female hispanic prostitute[already introduced her nastiness]volunteer at the CRB library]; as lady in charge of the  "housing association[east winston] stated, "True blacks[which she is not, which is why the UNITED WAY feels comfortable attacking the Carver School Road areas economically, because  Marva Reid [google-picture of Marva Reid North East Winston ]:
Marva Reid

 Think at the time of the blog post; posted that the bastards [white male system[s]] were offering over 100,000 dollars for her to sell out black people; which evidently she did;[but she is in good company-


Article ws chronicle "united way is targeting carver shool road area with millions in grants"

United Way is targeting Carver School Road area with millions in grants

Posted On 10 Sep 2015;By : ;By Todd Luck;
[Notice the ROYAL BLUE CITY=royal blue will be the code color];

 "United Way of Forsyth County and Neighbors for Better Neighborhood (NBN) are working with local residents in a 13-neighborhood area to improve their community as part of the multimillion dollar Place Matters Initiative.
United Way selected neighborhoods in and around the Carver School Road area near the Smith Reynolds Airport where it will be giving grants to groups to fund projects in the area. The neighborhoods are Northwoods Estate, Monticello Park, Ebony Hills, Prospect Park, Wildwood Park, Cardinal Acres, Castle Heights, Spaulding Drive, Eastgate Village, Lakeside, Dreamland, Bowen Park and Ladeara Crest.
The Forsyth United Way Director of Community-Based Collaborations Alana James said the agency will be devoting up to 25 percent of resources, which is over a million dollars in 2016 alone, to Place Matters. She said the neighborhoods were chosen not just for their challenges but also because of their promise";

[Note:have blogged about thenumber 13[13th amendment=code for slavery system=also based on local radio commentators statements-"gangs"; which is money being directed to create at least 13 gangs in the city of winston-salem to direct blacks from being developed as competititon to their white counterparts and chief  of winston-salem[brown skin] is to be the lead protector of  and for the white[s] while targeting blacks[not working as prostitutes in secret for white male[s]]-specifically in the Carver School Road area, which is why he was made the head of some

"United way is targeting carver shool road area with millions in grants" is another way to "control" AFrican American[s] not working in secret for white males and to control how much and the flow of money of the African American[s] not working in secret for white males while at the same time forcing AFrican American[s] that want to make money legally to live in/on gov. plantations; heard a radio anouncer say that the global goal is to put every segment of population throughout the world  in/on colonies, with the goal to control the colonies;

 Confirmation:"JOIN the secret group[club] and laugh all the way to the bank while robbing the ignorant African American[s]


Joines to run for re-election and take on poverty

Posted On 10 Sep 2015;By : ;[];

[code message to secret group of prositutes working for white males in secret like denise hartsfield-to laugh all the way to the bank];
And Gwyndolyn Gwyn and group were celebrating on 9/11[2015]; when got home they had cars parked in front of house-part of system to communicate-they taking over-took pictures;can't get to post]; and PAULA "ROOK"[code for crook] name is on the marquee of the Carver Road Christian church to inform all the local bastards-like Gwyndolyn Gwyn group; that white males in process of killing African American[s] not working to uplift their prostitute "PAULA";
Point is that the bastards in winston-salem in the process of pulling the wool over other white people[s] eyes African American[s] know that the bastards are a bunch of CROOKS;

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

760 gm13j- Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo., Wake Forest University, Winston-salem, nc, CRB library


1. At the CRB library; road the WSTA city bus; minister walker driver-who after young african american female got on bus and i got off at the next stop-put down the senior level on the green bus for me to get off of-how bus drivers are trained that if they want to stay young and don't die they better make sure that African Americans over 25 are treated as seniors;

2. Came into the CRB library, where when tried to sign in on computers; computer stated that i was not allowed to sign in and check with librarian; which checked with "mayhand" in the childrens dept. who said that there was a 20.00 fine on ticket for a dvd of "children's ten pack"; which she gave me a slip that said "forgive"; which I gave back to her and told her that I was giving her back the $20.00 slip because I never checked out the dvd; which asked "shey" while "mayhand" was looking for the maybe displaced dvd, to give me a printout of my account and it had one book on it; which is what it should have had; "mayhand" call herself taking over in spirit realm and knows that her participation in the abuse/ethnic intimidation is wrong; along with her trying to fixx white males systems of abuse of AFrican American[s] to help them while keeping her job= ?; point is all of it is a "LIE" created and designed by workers of white males=not good for AFrican American[s] not working for white males;

3. Which brings me to the 3rd point is that of:

"Kentucky county clerk refuses to issue same-sex marriage licenses"

 "The Kentucky county clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples"


White female "jailed" for not doing what white male[s] told her to do[which is why most AFrican American[s] are put in jail]; and the result was that of being rescued by the good white male[s][which most African Americans never get to experience]; which the issue was related to Rowan County Clerk "Kim Davis"  "JOB; which is why most AFrican American[s] were terminated during the 2008 "bail out" crisis-which now know was code to "get out African American[s] out of employment that are not doing what white males tell them to do; thus the millions of African American[s] who income stopped suddenly ;


A. Includes the headlines in the Winston-Salem Journal in Winston-Salem, NC.:[done by date]:

1.[WSJ] Winston-Salem Open poised to make  first "profit" Officials estimate local economic impact of $4million by "RICH"ard Craver; August 25,2015;

2.[Response by the Winston-Salem Chronicle]:
 ""GOODWILL" career and "Prosperity" wants to spread the word: We're here"; by Telvin Stinson;August 27,2015;[message is that there is no need for blacks to lack "JOBS"; they can come to the goodwill center where - the code is to train all blacks for transition of what belongs to AFrican American[s] to whites;[where bridget [who works for white males in secret] son work[s] and where those in charge and at the goodwill on University would not stop him from harassing me-because bridget is part of the secret group];

3. [WSJ]Forsyth County DSS facing 95 vancancies" blacklog of medicaid applications at 500; by Meghann Evans[code for even];Auguest 28,2015;[which is response that there are jobs available; 95 jobs at the DSS alone, so what is the problem?];

4.[WSJ] "The road to glory days"key change, loss started asu's magical run 10 years ago";by Brant[bridgets son name] Wilkerson-NEW; August 30, 2015:

5.[WSJ] "TRUNOVER at the TOP" 21 shcools in Forsyth County welcome new principals; by Arika HERron; August 30,2015:

6. [WSJ] "SLEEP LAB technician fings right "JOB"  fit for limited vision; by "RICH"ard Craver;September 7, 2015:[code about where white males were experimenting on AFrican American[s] who were raised to not be subservant to white males who were students at A&T State University in Greensboro, NC]

7. [WSJ] "Local employers scale back hiring plans"; page A11 [code for 9-11;TWIN towers;World trade center]; by "RICH"ard Craver; September 8,2015;[code to local employers to scale back hiring of AFrican American[s];[RIC];

8.[WSJ] "Forsyth schools STILL HIRING", high school math positions are  partuicularly hard to fill, officials say; by Arika HERron; Spetember 9,2015;[code that jobs are available if people get the training-but there is nothing about the fact that the same bastards threaten AFrican American[s]who have been trained educationally and trained not to be subservent to white male are threaten with "confinement/jail" if they pursue a "JOB" in the white male[s] systems:

"Schools still hiring"[Posted: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 10:30 pm;Schools still hiringBy Arika Herron Winston-Salem Journal];[];

Of which find it interesting about the TWO small plane crashes[which road on a small plane to visit relative about two years ago];

A. [WSJ] "TWO die in samll-plance crash in "Davie"[david code name] county", "The plane had just departed TWIN" Lakes Airport"; by "Jordan" Howse;

questionable=[WSJ]" Activist who brought down rebel flag: 'Enough is enough';p.a4;by "JOHN" hinton;September 3, 2015;


with the article, by SEXton, "Judge overstepped role in lengthy, costly trial [6,200 a day-being offered to somebody];

which am also posting picture to show how white male[s] systems give other white people illusions concerning AFrican American[s] and "JOBS"

Which thing the subheadlines are worth mentioning on page A5 where there is a picture of Melissa Harris Perry from wake forest university; with the subheadlines being in order:
1. FLAG; 2. CASE; 3. SEXton;

And the subheadline on page A4 under the article of "Enough is Enough' with three black females sitting on stage with TWO white males:

4. TEXT ALERT: When syncing gets you "sunk"- CASE hightlights need to keep "work" private, phones seperate"; by Margaret Moffett;with side article, "gasoline a LABOR day "BARGAIN""=code to Melissa Harris Perry and others to keep quiet about their being secret prostitutes working for white males in secret and they will get a good deal[money,etc] to the tune of $6,200 a day-when things calm down,etc.]

B. [WSJ] "Officials identify 3 killed in plane crash",Cause of crash that killed Pa. Attorney, his family still unknown;by Wesley "YOUNG";September 9, 2015;
with article "LOVING" touch[loving code for "sex]; by Walt Unks; September 9, 2015;
[Of which the TWO small airplane crashes occured within a  small fraction of time];like "DAVIS" a white female in Kentucy was set free from jail for not doing what white males say; but "DAVIS"[white male by name of Davis was found guilty of child molestion and sentenced to years in prison in Winston-Salem courts];

Which all of the above are codes transmited throught he local newspaper to local group of people who when it all comes out in the washing are working for other countries that are trying to take the United States over; which is why in all of the local news-there is nothing about Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis [] and the issue on her job-because 99.99% of the people have to do what white males tell them or they do not have a job-usually the white male employers just fire them;
Of which [WSJ] article,  "Tougher rules for jobless benefits", bill stirs impassioned debatye fefore NC house approves it; by "RICH"ard Craver; August 21, 2015;

which is confirmation that  while white male[s] sytem[s] put it in the media that there are plenty of jobs, etc. while at the same time informing African American[s]-most people know that white people can get jobs if they apply themselves-sort of like an in house secret;

Which heard on the 9/7/15 on 97 am radio show; Hugh Hewitt Labor day radio show guest -Joe Hill, who was talking about AFrican Americans in the labor market and made the statement, "There are over 900,000 vacant houses in Detroit, why doesn't the city just give the houses to people instead of knocking them down? The answer was, "FIRST" there must be LAW and ORDER=translatioin-First AFrican American[s] have to understand that 'everything' that they do to earn an income or to prosper is done to prosper the culture and lifestyle of White[s] male[s]; their family, etc.; which is why African American[s] do not have businesses that advance the AFrican American culture; they have jobs/businesses but only if they agree to advance white male[s] family/system[s] which are designed to tear down/destroy AFrican American culture and it makes no difference if the African American[s] are good/honest/God fearing/loving people who would not hurt a fly; the issue is what culture are they[African American[s]] working to advance-Black or white?

Which the commentator HUGH Hewitt asked the same question I asked way before 2008; when the  Wachovia built a new building and moved  a few blocks away, mindset was not African American[s] can move up economically-like down town=wrong, the old wachovia building stood empty until about two years ago with the message being-white males will let the building rot, before they would allow African American[s] who are not subserviant to white males to have access to it; which is why what is happing in Detroit, the white males had control over all the blacks, when they encountered a black person who would not yield to white males control like "Kim Davis"; the white males started the process to destroy the black city; and that is why white male[s] who control Detroit will not give African American[s] houses/buildings unless they agree to be subserviant/slaves to white male[s] which is agreeing to let white male[s] be in control of everything in their life-which is what Melissa William[s], shey,[carl the communist security guard] etc. do-give control of their life-especially thier bed to white male[s]-which is prostitution;

Which is why the real African American[s] should be in the streets, but in actuality the real African American[s] are still sleep because the fake African American[s]-like Melissa Harris Perry/Melissa Williams,etc. who are some of the ones working for white males in secret and who symbolize they blacks that are the ones out in the streets working for white male[s] to take over what belongs to AFrican American[s]; may God have mercy when the real African American[s] wake up and realize what the fake blacks and the white male[s] have stolen and done to them as a race;especially concerning "JOB" and earning "income";

[note: new screen on the WSFC public library computers[took picture][the words, "personal session man" keeps popping up; Shey the CRb libarian stated-it is something connected to "sam"-the library monitoring system]-Thus am not in agreement with nothing you bastards do concerning "men"/man in my life-watch];

[note: there is a new hispanic female volunteer=? at theCRB library-who just tried to walk a circle around me];


Monday, June 8, 2015

560l-e-MichaelBrown, Fergurson, Mo, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library


1.Over the weekend thinking about "JOB"=wonder WHY the Salvation Army supports African Americans not having jobs and would rather help to keep them homeless vs. the Salvation Army in Winston-Salem, NC helping African Americans to get jobs so they can pay their own light/water/food bill?; and wonder what is the difference between African American[s] in Winston-Salem, NC recieving help from the Salvation Army to recieve "SOCIAL JUSTICE" and the people of "COLOR" around the "globe" recieving "SOCIAL JUSTICE" through the Salvation Army?; based on the Salvation Army  "SOCIAL JUSTICE" website:


After speaking with Major James Allison on 6/5/15 appx. 4:40pm when I made the statement that the Salvation Army has a "social justice" website and asked Major James Allison why the Salvation Army in Winstn-Salem, NC could not help me;and Major James Allison made the statement, "OH! that is global-not for Winston-Salem  and I asked, "Major Allison, isn't Winston-Salem, NC apart of the global community; isn't Winston-Salem a part of the globe; response was to call new person [?] JOY-[was the empasis in the AFRICAN female[s] last name which has word joy in name] about the issue[the new person who took "Monique Freeney's" position]; of which did contact [?] "JOY" and quickly was told by new person who took "Monique Freeney's" position that a "caseworker" from Salvation Army would be calling to help me get water and light[s]; thanked her and asked if she could continue to help as Ms. Freeney was helping-to get the Salvation Army to act as advocate for me to consistantly access the community resources and to address issue of white males intimidation that if honest work is done to earn honest money then threat of confinement existed; all of a sudden the phone went-blank; thus called back and left the request on voicemail; have yet to here from anybody from the Salvation Army;

On Salvation Army's Website:

Seeking Justice Together

The International Social Justice Commission is the Salvation Army's strategic voice to advocate for human dignity and social justice with the world's poor and oppressed.
In pursuit of its stated purpose, the International Social Justice Commission has established five measurable goals:
  1. Raise strategic voices to advocate with the world's poor and oppressed.
  2. Be a recognized center of research and critical thinking on issues of global social justice.
  3. Collaborate with like-minded organizations to advance the global cause of social justice.
  4. Exercise leadership in determining social justice policies and practices of The Salvation Army
  5. Live the principles of justice and compassion and inspire others to do likewise
  6.  Accordingly, the International Social Justice Commission will continue to establish strong partnerships for the sake of people whose human rights are threatened or violated.

    Target 8.E:
    In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries

    • Resources available for providing essential medicines through some disease-specific global health funds increased in 2011, despite the global economic downturn.
    • There has been little improvement in recent years in improving availability and affordability of essential medicines in developing countries,

    Target 8.F:
    In cooperation with the private sector, make available benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications

    • Two-thirds of the world’s Internet users are in developing regions, where the number of Internet users doubled between 2009 and 2014.
    • In 2014, Internet use penetration in developing countries grew by 8.7 per cent, twice as fast as in the developed world where its usage rose by 3.3 per cent.
    • More than four billion people do not use the Internet, and 90 per cent of them are from the developing world.
It plainly states that the "Social Justice Commission" is the Salvation Army's strategic voice to ADVOCATE for human dignity and social justice with the world's poor and "OPPRESSED".[] The question is why is not Major James Allison and the Winston-Salem, NC Salvatiion Army not "advocating" for me; who is paying the not to "advocate" for me; and if an attorney with "morals" sees this please email at to sue the Winston-Salem, NC Salvation Army and all those connected and participating in "OPPRESSIVE" system;

2. Went to Hanes Mall-white male authority that wear the green fategs[sp] at mall to intimidate African American[s]; route 18 bus was intentionally stopped from showing at 4:05pm; thus had to wiat for route 20 and upon getting downtown-same type was waiting at  entrance to bus station; when went to pick up statment that route 18 did not come; route 1[where driver is member of  "TYRONE" Johnsons congretation that left Carver School Road church] was waiting for me to get letter and get on bus=king of scarey to have people you don't know tracking where where you go; and there was authority car #1408 parked across the street from the WSTA bus station; which pulled off after route #11 was pulling into stall 4A-inwhich found out the the drivers name is BILL- like DOLLAR BILL; anybody ever seen the movie "Kill Bill"[] which coincides with the name of white male mailman-"BILLy PLUCK"-like Pluck the Bill- the only thing is that the bastards talking about plucking my dollar bills; anybody ever seen the movie "Kill Bill"-which posted on blog that people tired of being robbed/abused,etc. and sure enough heard somebody say-exactly what was posted, "They better "WATCH OUT"; which  they had real "sherriffs" on route 7 and at the WSTA today; both male and female;

3. Carver Road Christian Church intrim minister is name 'FRANK[code for MONEY-like benjamin franklin] ROBINSON[[code-for ROB];Ellen KING ran off TYrone  Johnson[thedown low pastor] after he tried to take over; Frank Robinson is from Greater Cleveland Avenue Church-the church that owns and is selling the Cleveland Ave Church on Cleveland Ave. to the Salvation Army=code  to white male[s] system that Carver Road Chrisitan Church is in agreement to rob AFrican Americans of their "JOBS" and MONEY AGAIN; the African American male prostitute that is over Greater Cleveland on Lansing drive is Sheldon Mccarter-who gave me $25.00[which am grateful for and paid back] and basically communicated join the other prostitutes in the church or suffer-in other words he was not going to advise/ask the Greater Cleveland church to help stop white male[s] abuse/robbery/ but that I could join in helping the Greater Cleveland church to rob/abuse other African American[s];which is why hispanics will probably take over as his church congregation because the AFrican American congregation stood trusting-while white doctors killed them systematically;


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

560l-b-MichaelBrown, Fergurson, Mo, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, CRB Library


1. Met Lisa parrish of the Salvation Army for the frist time in person today; inquired of why the Salvation Army will not advocate to help me to stop the system of intimiation/threats of confinement for having obtained honest employment  being that the people living around the Salvation Army on Cleveland Avenue are protesting a homeless shelter vs. the Salvation Army the people being allowed to WORK and earn MONEY:

[note: Elderly African American female=quiet/but one of the KEY people helping white male[s]-salvation Army to rob from African American[s]-reward-she is still alive vs. the hundreds if not thousands of African American[s] who she has helped to kill through silence of knowledge of white male[s] killing system[s] of African American[s]-like L. Rowell;

Rezoning issue moves residents Salvation Army gets Council vote delay 

Posted On 06 May 2015;By : ;


Lisa Parish response to request was that the Salvation Army does not advocate for specific needs; of which informed that made copies of Salvation Army's website that stated exactly that -that the Salvation army helps to advocate for people with specific needs; of which Lisa parrish said, but the Salvation Army means things like writing a letter to Tina Adkins and stated that the webstie stated that the Salvation Army advocates for people with specific indivual needs of which the present need for community intervention in the present issue is not my problem-but the Winston-Salem, NC community issue-which is JOBS,etc.;

[Note: part of the problem is that an organiation can't help solve a problem when their goal and mission is to create the problem in the first  place];

Did inform Lisa parrish that the bible says that if you don't work-you don't eat and that have worked everyday since wrongly dismisseed for ex-employer whose secret club members threaten confinement if money/income obtained from honest work; Lisa parrish asked, "what kind of work is that?"-stted technically am an athropologist[which she thought was an organization?] and explained an anthropologist is a person who records specific information about the enviornment; of which have yet to recieve income but still work every day;

Of which brings the question why is it that the Salavation Army has a banner outside the African American neighborhood on Cleveland Ave. that says "AREA COMMAND";  like there is some type of "WAR"!; the Salvation Amry did not have a banner that said " AREA COMMAND" on Country Club and Stratford Raod where there are about three to four BANKS;

Of which Dee Dee CALDWELL-[like Caldwell BANKS]  is and has been employed at the Salvation Army for over twenty years ; in which  when a Dee Dee moved to local area; after Dee Dee spoke-that same evening there was shooting on street which resulted in lot of authority on street with lots of blue and red lights from/with sirens; which was code to Dee Dee of who to/not to communicate with; in which Dee Dee who moved to local area -is on the AFrican American[s] who based on BLACK WALL STREET  would be wealthy; which is the second time for a shooting in local area[where neighborhood is basically a well off neighborhood] where the first shooting occured after "socialpeacest moved to area"-EVERYTIME there is a major change of person[s] in area; then there is staged communication [through abusive behavior] to keep/maintain control over residents in the local area;

“It’s when individuals have a concern or an issue about something they come out and voice that concern, whether it comes out in the manner they desire or not,” Montgomery said.
City Council will hear the rezoning issue again on July 20 at 7 p.m. at City Hall in Room 230. The meeting can also be viewed live online at, or by watching the city’s television station (WSTV-13) on Time Warner Cable on channel 13.


Monday, June 1, 2015

560I-a Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo. Winston-Salem, NC,Wake Forest University, CRB library


How to get a JOB in the city of Winston-Salem, NC for African Americans who are not conducive to being servants/subsrvant or prostitutes for white males is presently tied up and being decided by those who are attending the meetings concerning the Salvation Army building a homeless shelter on 10th street and Cleveland Avenue vs. helping the people to find/or giving the people jobs-which really goes against the current system that white males are attempting to operate in the African American neighborhoods, not just in Winston-Stalem, but throughout the United States; which is/was/has been the conversation of the white boy television  network; that to block people from prosperity[regardless of race/but referencing the African American Baltimore riots,Fergurson, Mo riots; that something is most definately wicked-which includes blocking a race from prosperity;

Thus the E/NE Neighborhood Assosciation is NEW in the local African Americsan neighborhoods, yet has managed to jump over all other local organizations to have the white male system to address the issue of giving/putting  African American JOBS in the African American neighborhood; yet the Salvation Army [Major James Allison/L. Parrish] have yet to respond to request that the Salvation Army act as "ADVOCATE" to access "MONEY" in a legal manner through "employment"-JOBS/earning MONEY in an honest manner without the threat of CONFINEMENT;

Which includes the local medical care people who have incountered that have requested the Salvation Army/Crisis Control  intervention to maintain "WATER" and lights due to health issue; which based upon documentation are waiting for a response from the Salvation Army-which if  S.A. not helping with "WATER"-which was in appx. Nov. 2014[have not had water since then and water is needed to ensure health of cleaniness and protection of skin] and only helps with lights at certain times-leaves people playing hope and seek[meaning no water or lights till find a small agency[most of which foolow the S.A.] that will take mercy and intervene;

Of which again went to day to ask medical health care providers to contact the Salvation Army and Crisis Constrol to request their help and intervention with water and lights based on the necessity for good health; Of which when in hospital social worker Sabrina GREEN said she could not help; yet upon getting out of the hospital Amanda Wright informs that there is a social worker that can help me=and also those in the position inform that if want help go to GREEN St. in Winston-Salem,NC. and just about every health agency refers to GREEN ST.-which  happens to be the color of MONET-"GREEN"-which is part of the system of "ROBBERY of African Americans in Winston-Salem, N. C.; which am sure as "Long"[medical care person] stated all the people [brown][AFrican American[s] are sent to GREEN St.;

How does an African American not supporting slavery/prostition and human trafficing get a "JOB" without being put in "CONFINEMENT for NOT breaking the LAW?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Have the right name


In the quest for employment[steady] and full-time job[with benefits] have discovered that the way to a job is to have the right name; or be willing to follow the dishonest instructions of a superviors or seek income from another source [online fundraising];If not able to sign up for online fundraising=because of online harassment from local secret group operating through the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public Library;

After being threaten with confinement by ex-employer's secret club members if I obtain honest work using two degrees[business and soicology]; being denied access of social resources by local social agencies; one the option available is start to raise funds on line to pay light, water, heat, food,; the last time I tried to start an online fundraisers, the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Public library -Carver Road Branch library put me out without explanation [for apprx. the fifth time]; thus have tried to sign up on a fundraiser website for the last couple of days and each time the website freezes and will not continue the process so that I can sign up on the fundraiser website;

Thus if not allowed to sign up for fundraiser; it is because of block by local WSFC public library,etc. to try and block access to MONEY:

Thus will try to sign up; and will post weather able to sign up on Fundraiser Website[s];

Have successfully signed up for online fundraiserat "";the fundraiser URL is :

which will have to study website to know how it works; but at least have signed up for a fundraiser website; hopefully the WSFC public library or any of the other gov. agencies or those who work in secret doing illegal things for them will not attack,etc. so I can't raise funds. Which includes the fact that [?] the phone number is 1-855-GO-WEPAY;
becing that 855 is connected to a personal situation; noticed a decade ago that 855 usually connected with 800 numbers, or other gov. agencies that are suppose to help insituations of abuse; but haven't;
note: also noticed that numbers associated with  relative intimidated out of Winston-Salem, NC personal situation has also/is becomeing very common in/by public use[part of sytem of robbery];


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Local ex-employer secret club members threaten confinement if I use two degrees[business and sociology] to do honest work; local social agencies in Winston-Salem, NC state that they willnot/cannot help and therefore am denied access to local resources; postman is name BILLy PLUCK[code-pluck the DOLLAR BILLs];legal aid says that they do not deal with issues;

After ex-employmnet  secret club members threaten confinement if I do honest work;  they also harassed in my neighborhood to point that I had to call and let people know what they were doing as I walked to the Winston=-Salem Forsyth County Public library who has put me out of the local branch three to five times with no explanation;

The guy that knocked down my mailbox and tried to put up another mailbox without my permission,brother works in authority; and the mother of the guy [who tried to put up another mailbox in my name]helped to steal a twin child;legal aid[have called local and national offices] say they can't help;

Being that social agencies deny resources need to raise funds to help survive[turn water, lights, heat, back on]  and get an attorney;




Set Your Goal

.00* This is the amount you hope to raise. Start with a moderate goal to create momentum. You can always increase it later.
Your fundraiser will still be viewable after it closes

Identify Your Fundraiser

Choose a title that is short, catchy and unique.
Who should be listed as the organizer of this fundraiser?


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Tell Your Story

Nothing is quite as impactful as a video
Right now we only accept YouTube video links for your fundraiser. A video helps you communicate with your supporters and can drastically improve your success rate. It can be just as simple as recording yourself with a camera phone. Once you’ve uploaded your video to YouTube, put the link to your video above.

If you don't have a video yet, you can upload a photo instead. You'll want to use a photo that tells your story, is good quality (but under 1MB), and is ideally 560px x 420px.
If you don't have either, don't worry - you can leave it blank for now and then upload one later.

* In just a couple of sentences (200 chars or less), tell us about your fundraiser and your potential supporters. This text is used on search engines like Google and when you share your fundraiser on Facebook.
Tell your story. Cover the what, who and why. Keep it short and to the point. You can add simple styling to your post to make it more interesting.
This is the main text for your fundraiser page
Private fundraisers are only viewable via direct sharing of your unique url.

Local ex-employer secret club members threaten confinement if I use two degrees[business and sociology] to do honest work; local social agencies in Winston-Salem, NC state that they willnot/cannot help and therefore am denied access to local resources; postman is name BILLy PLUCK[code-pluck the DOLLAR BILLs];legal aid says that they do not deal with issues;

After ex-employmnet  secret club members threaten confinement if I do honest work;  they also harassed in my neighborhood to point that I had to call and let people know what they were doing as I walked to the Winston=-Salem Forsyth County Public library who has put me out of the local branch three to five times with no explanation;

The guy that knocked down my mailbox and tried to put up another mailbox without my permission,brother works in authority; and the mother of the guy [who tried to put up another mailbox in my name]helped to steal a twin child;legal aid[have called local and national offices] say they can't help;

Being that social agencies deny resources need to raise funds to help survive[turn water, lights, heat, back on]  and get an attorney;another city has started a file on me because I can't get any help locally because Winston-Salem city link stated that Winston-Salem can't do investigation because of conflict of interest;