Monday, June 1, 2015

560I-a Michael Brown, Fergurson, Mo. Winston-Salem, NC,Wake Forest University, CRB library


How to get a JOB in the city of Winston-Salem, NC for African Americans who are not conducive to being servants/subsrvant or prostitutes for white males is presently tied up and being decided by those who are attending the meetings concerning the Salvation Army building a homeless shelter on 10th street and Cleveland Avenue vs. helping the people to find/or giving the people jobs-which really goes against the current system that white males are attempting to operate in the African American neighborhoods, not just in Winston-Stalem, but throughout the United States; which is/was/has been the conversation of the white boy television  network; that to block people from prosperity[regardless of race/but referencing the African American Baltimore riots,Fergurson, Mo riots; that something is most definately wicked-which includes blocking a race from prosperity;

Thus the E/NE Neighborhood Assosciation is NEW in the local African Americsan neighborhoods, yet has managed to jump over all other local organizations to have the white male system to address the issue of giving/putting  African American JOBS in the African American neighborhood; yet the Salvation Army [Major James Allison/L. Parrish] have yet to respond to request that the Salvation Army act as "ADVOCATE" to access "MONEY" in a legal manner through "employment"-JOBS/earning MONEY in an honest manner without the threat of CONFINEMENT;

Which includes the local medical care people who have incountered that have requested the Salvation Army/Crisis Control  intervention to maintain "WATER" and lights due to health issue; which based upon documentation are waiting for a response from the Salvation Army-which if  S.A. not helping with "WATER"-which was in appx. Nov. 2014[have not had water since then and water is needed to ensure health of cleaniness and protection of skin] and only helps with lights at certain times-leaves people playing hope and seek[meaning no water or lights till find a small agency[most of which foolow the S.A.] that will take mercy and intervene;

Of which again went to day to ask medical health care providers to contact the Salvation Army and Crisis Constrol to request their help and intervention with water and lights based on the necessity for good health; Of which when in hospital social worker Sabrina GREEN said she could not help; yet upon getting out of the hospital Amanda Wright informs that there is a social worker that can help me=and also those in the position inform that if want help go to GREEN St. in Winston-Salem,NC. and just about every health agency refers to GREEN ST.-which  happens to be the color of MONET-"GREEN"-which is part of the system of "ROBBERY of African Americans in Winston-Salem, N. C.; which am sure as "Long"[medical care person] stated all the people [brown][AFrican American[s] are sent to GREEN St.;

How does an African American not supporting slavery/prostition and human trafficing get a "JOB" without being put in "CONFINEMENT for NOT breaking the LAW?

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