Wednesday, November 13, 2013




This is a  TWO DAY[11/13/13]=authority vehicle [white red and blue stripes]=tall African American skinny female walking up the street/crossed over when I crossed over whilte authority vehicle was driving towards reynolda road up fairlawn=harassment;=TWO SAY=TWIN=waiting;

Lester Holt was on Today Show 11/`13/13 with Natalie,Willie and AL; when Al and Willie said, "Leslster, you need to grow a beard like us!" Lester HOLT said, I can't I got [and this is key] SO MANY JOBS; got be on various shows every week!;

Point=Lester :HOLT" has so many JOBS because he represents the white male HOLTING the African American male; not to mention that Holt is a trained African American male prostitute working for white males; in other words as long as the person name coincides with the abusive systems that white males are operating against African Americans they can work; they can have as many jobs as they want; AND THEY [African Americans[male, females]usually KN OW their name is associated with their name] KNOW Lester HOLT KNOWS!

Lester HOLT was put on TODAY show to [so the mother fu-kers think] HALT the [according to thier system]KITCHEN CONFIDENCE=means to stop the flow of person'w life= to ensure that none of your bastards wawys scemes and methods to avoid ramification of abusel; I reject all systems designed by white males to get around the ramifications for stealing/robbery of African Americans[such as food stamps,medicaid, putting the persons name on television, radio, newspaper, or a law in exchange for stealing a twin; or like glenn beck who called out the name of Powell as reward; go to hel- mother fu-kers;

Tough typoon wasn't it; wait til the Devine God gets through with you; KNOW you [white males]think [white males] have every thing in control; that notheing that  happen across the seas; can happen in the United States; that a typoon or anything such as the typoon can reach the United States, right? I don't never have consciously nor never will give you permission to use/abuse/take/rob me of anything!!!!

May God ha ve mercy on the innocent people in the typoon; because God said some of those people where the typoon was located connected to some of you bastards; I just prayed; didn't know the answer to my prayers were going to come up across the ocean; but what they say God don't make no mistakes!!!

And just so you bastards will KNOW I will get to the end of myself [you bastards use of the law] when God allows me to see ybctheoy!!!!!!

[]Lester Holt Celebrates 10 Years At 'Weekend Today' - Huffington Post;Happy 10 years on TODAY Lester Holt Staff viewers share well-wishes;Lester Holt and son team up to anchor in Chicago - Video ... - Today;[lester HOLT's SON is being trained by daddy to take/or doing the same thing as DADDY HOLT=who has many jobs=like daddy son will have many jobs[main job represeting white males halting African American male];
Lester Holt, NBC's floating anchor - NY Daily News=Floating=floater=many jobes=go where needed to HALT something about African American male;

"Lester Holt and son team up to anchor in Chicago" TODAY   |  November 23, 2012


You won’t see Lester Holt on Weekend TODAY this week – instead he is traveling to Chicago to help out his son, Stefan, on the local morning show he anchors in the windy city. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

 In their own words they are telling the people in their secret system- use HOLT's son like Lester HOlt.
The concept: "The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!" is what they use against African American males; just like they[white males] using the concept "The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!" counting on  HOLT JR. falling in line to be used like his daddy Lester HOLT; Notice in the words in back of HOLT and his son CHICAGO=where the current Re-elected? head of the United States Administration is from=both they and HOLT have the same training=stop./block African Americans from progressing[blacks killing blacks in Chicago do just that-blacks stopping Halting blacks=why stop them=they are accomplishing white males systems of abuse objective=obamacare!

HODA COPY name/used in the EXACT SAME WAY=infact ALL African Americans who are seen on television it is like Kenneth Copeland and his guest minister said=there are over 400 members of congress; but ALWAYS only see a hand ful; and like the African American female?[in training=new=JOY Reid=code=JOY read=read JOY or represents JOY to African American females or with whoever the white males is/name is that she is pared with;

THUS-All African Americans who have a halt on their life; need to  pray that HOLT/ HOLT son and HOLDA [all black in color] get less jobs ostherwise KNOW those who they encounter everyday working in the system; not think but KNOW their job is to HALT you and yours!

In other words Lester HOLT and RICHie  INCOGNITO could really be TWINS=they do the same job-intimidate/harass/abuse and threaten African American[s] for one purpose to stop/rob the African American[s] of their hertiage/culture[BLACK WALL STREET][]

PUT IT TOGETHER= It is like Rachel Maddow said on 11/12/13= LARGE PORTION of the CONGRESS are heirs or heirs to somebody that is rich and they are getting richer quicker and faster than ever before but don't want to rasie minimum wage=the new modern day killing of African Americans wealth=lester HOLT and RICHie INCOGNITO=with the same results; just because all you lovely white fold with money living in you nice world of plenty don't see it; the pictures below are still revelevent in a lot of African American[s] lives-WHITE MALES just figured out how to hide it; and obamacare was designed to do the same thing to African Americans that was done to African American Wall Street in 1921; EXCEPT with Obamacare-giving the wrong medication intentionally is a little harder to prove or using bodies for experimentation[ when no anyone to help  because everybody paid to do as RICHie Incognito [in secret]; then come out in public like they aren't racist-in fact he probably isn't; but the message of I will KILL YOU-is probably not just given to Martin from RICHie INCOGNITO; but from other NFL players paid to back up/hide EVERYTHING RICHie INCOGNITO did/doing or will do to Jonathan Martin; it is called a club[secret club]; if person wants to earn money[doesn't make any difference what job]; they have to do to ALL New comers[African Americans] the same as RICHIE INCOGNITO did to Jonathan MARTIN;

"Black America’s most prosperous community, Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma, went up in flames June 1, 1921, in the KKK-led Tulsa Race Riot. According to Wikipedia, “During the 16 hours of the assault, over 800 people were admitted to local hospitals with injuries, an estimated 10,000 were left homeless, and 35 city blocks composed of 1,256 residences  that were destroyed." [Tulsa Oklahoma is where SAM'S CLUB  was started in 1983=the same year stolen TWIN was born];

And the SAME PROCESS-[stop blacks progress/prosperity] =DIFFERENT METHOD= SAME RESULT  as Black Wall Street is taking place=Chicago, ILL; the daily shootings and killings[somebody being paid/rewarded for killing blacks;

Somebody said: pay attention to your past so you don't go back=that is where white male system[s] of abuse, intimidation, harassment, threats trying to send me=not going mother fu-ckers = which is why African American males basically go behind bars-usually pushed to point of provocation in which they react-which is normal-WHITE PEOPLE doit[react] react all  the time-with no consequences; but African Americans are called trouble makers;
Saw on the television where one of the famous tennis players[documented] was on television and one of the things that he does is that he takes his hand makes a cross; then makes a WHOLE LOT OF OTHER HAND MOVEMENTS-[that if he were black would be considered as him having a mental problem] BUT because he is a WHITE MALE playing tenni-responding to his enviornment-he is  USING his COPING mechanism[s]; BUT an African American male/female,etc. do the same thing as a form of responding to his enviornment of crime, intimidation, harassment, threats is considered abnormal and needs medication: Somebody needs to tell the tennis player he needs to watch his actions-they could be considered a form of exhibiting mental problems [especially if he is in an African American neighborhood];

The TODAY SHOW- in which Lester HOLT appeared with WILLIE,etc.- and other coded messages=bastards don't intend on moving or giving me my MONEY/WEALTH=thus within TWO days [since they like the number TWO]; every TWO seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years; I am thanking the Devine God for revealing his revenge based upon those that I read out of the bible-like Pharoph's army drowning in the Red Sea starting with every TWO seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years; and basards do not come to me and OH! may the  Devine God Bless every one of your wicked ass souls;

Any African American seeking their wealth=need to ask the Devine God and pray Devine God remove the white males system[s] of HOLT[HALT] out of their  life!

White male [usually sits at desk in middle of floor/talks to guy who wears royal blue] from WSFC Main 5th Street Library came in door;turned and went right back out;Sharlene [same name as close relative]employee from Carver road Branch Library at Reynolda Branch library. [5:30pm];



What happened to Black Wall Street on June 1, 1921?
February 9, 2011

Black Wall Street, the name fittingly given to one of the most affluent all-Black communities in America, was bombed from the air and burned to the ground by mobs of envious Whites. In a period spanning fewer than 12 hours, a once thriving Black business district in northern Tulsa lay smoldering – a model community destroyed and a major African-American economic movement resoundingly defused.

The night’s carnage left some 3,000 African Americans dead and over 600 successful businesses lost. Among these were 21 churches, 21 restaurants, 30 grocery stores and two movie theaters, plus a hospital, a bank, a post office, libraries, schools, law offices, a half dozen private airplanes and even a bus system. As could have been expected, the impetus behind it all was the infamous Ku Klux Klan, working in consort with ranking city officials and many other sympathizers.

"Black America’s most prosperous community, Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma, went up in flames June 1, 1921, in the KKK-led Tulsa Race Riot. According to Wikipedia, “During the 16 hours of the assault, over 800 people were admitted to local hospitals with injuries, an estimated 10,000 were left homeless, and 35 city blocks composed of 1,256 residences  that were destroyed."

Richie Incognito: 'I am not a racist'


For the past week, Miami Dolphins guard Richie Incognito has been at the epicenter of a firestorm that involves racial implications, and hazing and bullying allegations from his own teammate, Jonathan Martin, who left the team on Oct. 28.

Martin's attorney, David Cornwell, released a statement Thursday that alleges that Martin endured harassment that went far beyond the traditional locker-room hazing. Cornwell also stated that, beyond the well-publicized voicemail with its racial epithet, his client “endured a malicious physical attack on him by a teammate, and daily vulgar comments. The facts are not in dispute.”
Incognito responded to the controversy Sunday, in a sit-down interview with FOX Sports that was taped Saturday at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. It is Incognito's first extended interview since the story broke. The interview first aired on NFL FOX Sunday, but an extended version aired Sunday night on FOX Sports Live.
You can see that extended interview in the video above and read the transcript below.
In the interview, Incognito asserts that he's not a racist, insists that his relationship with Martin was not as fractured as it may seem and says that much of what has been reported is misleading.

Incognito also turned over his phone records, which showed 1,142 texts between him and Martin in the past year. Martin sent these two texts to Incognito three days after he left the team:
"Wassup man? The world's gone crazy lol I'm good tho congrats on the win"
"Yeah I'm good man. It's insane bro but just know I don't blame you guys at all it's just the culture around football and the locker room got to me a little."
Here now, highlights of the interview:
Incognito: You can ask anybody in the Miami Dolphins locker room who had Jon Martin’s back the absolute most. And they will undoubtedly tell you, me.

Incognito: Jon never showed signs that football was getting to him, um, the locker room was getting to him.
Glazer: You’re saying you don’t know what led to this. Your teammates are saying, 'We don’t know.' His side has clearly said, 'We do know.' OK, and there’s bullying involved. There was a voice message left. I’m going to read it to you. You did leave this voice message?

Incognito: Yes, I did leave this voice message.
Glazer: And it’s, 'Hey, what’s up, you half N-word piece of blank. I saw you on Twitter, you been training 10 weeks. Want to blank in your blank mouth. I’m going to slap your blank mouth. Going to slap your real mother across the face. (Laughter) You’re still a rookie. I’ll kill you.' You hear that, going back to that now, do you look at that and say, 'I left that for Jonathan Martin?'

Incognito: When I see that voicemail, when I see those words come up across the screen, I’m embarrassed by it. I’m embarrassed by my actions. But what I want people to know is, the way Jonathan and the rest of the offensive line and how our teammates, how we communicate, it’s vulgar. It’s, it’s not right. When the words are put in the context, I understand why a lot of eyebrows get raised, but people don’t know how Jon and I communicate to one another.

Glazer: But there’s one thing of saying that, another thing with a white man using the N-word. How do you tell America, how do you expect anybody in America to believe you’re not a racist?

Incognito: I'm not a racist. And to judge me by that one word is wrong. In no way, shape or form is it ever acceptable for me to use that word, even if it’s friend to friend on a voicemail. I regret that.

Glazer: How much in today’s locker room is it thrown around by African Americans and white players?

Incognito: It’s thrown around a lot. It’s a word that I’ve heard Jon use a lot. Not saying it’s right for when I did it in the voicemail, but there’s a lot of colorful words thrown around the locker room that we don’t use in everyday life. The fact of the matter remains, though, that that voicemail was left on a private voicemail for my friend, and it was a joke.

Glazer: Right, wrong, or indifferent, because of all this, you've become the face of bullying in America. Someone thinks of a bully, they think of Richie Incognito.

Incognito: This isn't an issue about bullying. This is an issue of mine and Jon's relationship where I've taken stuff too far and I didn't know it was hurting him.

Glazer: Did Jonathan Martin overreact? Or was Jonathan hurting that much?

Incognito: I can’t sit here and tell you who overreacted, who did what. I can just sit here and be accountable for my actions. And my actions were coming from a place of love. No matter how bad and how vulgar it sounds, that’s how we communicate, that’s how our friendship was, and those are the facts, and that’s what I’m accountable for.

Glazer: You're telling me there wasn't any signs going into that?

Incognito: As the leader, as his best friend on the team, that's what has me miffed — how I missed this. I never saw it. I never saw it coming.

Glazer: There’s so many subplots in this. How much has come out, where you looked at it and
said ... 'That’s not even close'?
Incognito: I think the whole thing, I’ve been sitting here saying, 'That’s not even close.' It sounds terrible. It sounds, when it’s on the screen, it sounds like I’m a racist pig, it sounds like I’m a meathead. It sounds a lot of things that it’s not. And I want to clear the air just by saying I’m a good person.

Glazer: You obviously have had a very checkered history. From way back in college all the way up to recently with last year with the incident at the golf course. You’re sitting up here and saying, 'Hey, I’m a good guy.' It’s difficult for us, as America, to grasp that when all they see are the episodes.

Incognito: Right, no question. And if you go by just all the knucklehead stuff I’ve pulled in the past, done in my past, you’re sitting in your home and you’re thinking, 'This guy is a loose cannon, this guy is a terrible person, this guy is a racist.' When that couldn’t be farther from the truth. If I was a racist and I was bullying Jon Martin, when the press went in there and asked them questions, that locker room would have said, 'Listen, we saw this, we saw that.' I’m proud of my guys for having my back and telling the truth. But the fact of the matter is when Jon left the team on Monday, we played a game on Thursday. I spoke with Jon on Friday.

Glazer: You spoke with him?

Incognito: I texted with him, I text messaged, I spoke with him through text message. And he texted me and said, 'I don’t blame you guys. I blame some stuff in the locker room. I blame the culture. I blame what was going on around me.' And when all this stuff got going and swirling, bullying got attached to it and my name got attached to it. I just texted him as a friend and was like, 'What’s up with this, man?' He said, 'It's not coming from me. I haven’t said anything to anybody.' And I’m like, 'OK.'

Glazer: Would these be texts you would be willing to share?
Incognito: No question. I'll give you, after this interview, I’ll give you my phone. And we’ll walk through all these texts, and I will show you the framework of a friendship.

Glazer: If Jonathan Martin was sitting right here next to you, what would you say to him?
  Incognito: I think, honestly, I think I’d give him a big hug right now because we’ve been through so much and I’d just be like, 'Dude, what’s going on? Why didn’t you come to me?' If he were to say, 'Listen, you took it way too far. You hurt me.' ... You know, I would just apologize and explain to him exactly what I explained to you, and I’d apologize to his family. They took it as malicious. I never meant it that way.

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